Chicago becomes its own state

An organization called YesCalifornia was granted permission by the attorney general of California to advocate for the official secession of California by collecting signatures to qualify what is known as the California Self-Determination Referendum Act for the ballot in November of …. Unrelated is the possibility of the District of Columbia of becoming a state one day as well; but that is unlikely to happen anytime soon — if at all. Read This First… As for the state of Chicago, the processes of secession or statehood is difficult enough that it is not probable for all intents and purposes.

Whether or not any of the aforementioned initiatives will be successful, one thing is for certain: residents and citizens of Chicago are unhappy; and the majority of them seems to want change from the status quo as soon as possible.

An interesting question to answer is what would be the fate of both airports which serve the greater Chicago metropolitan area: would they be part of the proposed state of Chicago; or would either of them remain in Illinois? Here we go again. A bunch of morons who will quickly realize the federal aid that will fly out the window once they secede. Though most clear-thinking people would love to see California detached from the US and sent foundering toward the Antarctic because of its outrageous politics there is no chance of the republic changing from 50 states in our lifetime.

If only we lived in a representative democracy, then people could vote their choice. Oh wait, we do. Personally, I think this secessionist stuff is a load of you-know-what, and doubly so when based on social issues. Not quite sure why the airports pose an interesting question. Both are within the city limits of Chicago, so why would they be separated? Those are only two examples of airports not being owned or operated by a city, so thinking that the airports of Chicago would remain operated by Chicago if it became a state is not an automatically foregone conclusion.

Instead of separation, these politicians should be touting for term limits for all elected officials, which would eliminate most of the major problem which allows corruption like the Madigan regime in Illinois to persist.

Residents of Chicago are unhappy according to the information provided by at least three links which are included in the article, Kikio Day. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Larry Walsh Jr. Most Popular. Volunteer ranch a short drive from Jacksonville provides home Neighbors: Jacksonville native Rowland sharing his love, The addition of Davidsmeyer's name to the list of Republicans in support has intensified the issue, and whether it is to spark debate, or a serious idea, won't change that the underlying issues are now taking a front seat in the state's politics.

And, like the blue states trying to undermine the electoral college, or the ticket sales for Unplanned, it's yet another example of the deep and seemingly unbreachable divide in this country along every social, political, and economic line. We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience.

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Illinois lawmakers consider separating Chicago as its own state. Like Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox. Most recent. Despite 'lofty goal' for 5, attendees, job fair meant to find workers for Denver International Airport concessions only drew about people 35m. Transgender activist who led protest against Dave Chappelle has a troubling history of racist tweets 1h. All Articles. This toxic vegetable is the 1 danger in your diet 8h.

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