Club westy san jose

We are looking to upgrade our kitchen. A tax deductible donation of any kitchen equipment would be much appreciated. Upon receipt of the equipment, we will mail you back a receipt which you may use for tax purposes. Get Directions. Welcome to the Alano Club of San Jose A safe place for step recovery since The Alano Club of San Jose provides fellowship, education, and spiritual support for those recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction — creating a safe place for step recovery.

Membership Information The Alano Club of San Jose has been an asset to the community for fifty years, please help it grow and continue to be a source of pride for our community for another fifty. Regular Member. Lifetime Membership. Relax and Enjoy Enjoy exclusive members-only access to the pool table and game rooms and members-only events. Joy of Giving Back The greatest benefit of membership is the joy of giving back what was so freely given to us. Your Voice Matters Members also have input to club operations and services by their vote at general meetings as well as the ability to communicate directly with the club manager and various service boards.

We always like to have good attendance for our speakers, and we enjoy seeing you at a meeting. Please join us if you can. For the first time, we are trying out taking White Cane donations online credit and debit cards only. There is more information about the club and White Cane Days on that page that you can copy and use in your note. Our website wsjclions. When it changes, the new front page will be a static page with general information about our club. The first page you have seen in the past, with the latest news and the club calendar, will still be accessible under a [News] button on the menu.

If you bookmark the News page after the change is complete, then for you it will seem like nothing has changed. The club is expanding its digital presence.

Judy and Lion Sec. Jan both away on vacation. They are expected to return on the 29th. What started out to be a quiet meeting became quite busy. What are our options? We have lost most of our school contacts.

We came up with a few possibilities in the meeting, but we definitely need more. Lion Pres. Judy reminded the club that she and Lion Sec. The following week, Lion Art Low will be one of five or six doctors on a relatively large Lions in Sight trip to Panama. They already have drivers for the southern part of our district. We will need a lot of volunteers to sign up for serving beer on both days.

WP Admin-Roald. January 25, Starting in June , we are meeting via a mix of in-person meetings and Zoom. August 15, Get a preview of Sweet HayaH. January 22, Silicon Valley Capital Club. Find out all the great benefits of membership. What's Happening at the Club. Member Benefits Beyond the Club.


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