Columbus power company
Please report any public sewer issues to our Sewer Maintenance Operations Center, at The Hometown Choice for Energy Did you know that you have choice when it comes to your energy provider? Columbus Division of Power is the hometown choice.
Use an Interactive Calculator to estimate how much your monthly electric bill would be with Columbus. Our residential rates are currently lower than the local commercial provider with no hidden fees. Blueprint Columbus Blueprint Columbus takes all of the regulatory challenges of complying with the Clean Water Act into consideration and uses green infrastructure to meet these challenges and efficiently achieve water quality goals.
Water Main Breaks Please report suspected water main breaks to or immediately weekdays 7 a. Sign up for paperless billing, check your balance or pay your bill online today. A carbon-free energy future for Georgia starts with sustainable changes across the state today.
We're keeping a balanced mix of hydro, solar and nuclear power and delivering clean and resilient solutions for a better tomorrow. Find out how. Purchase a monthly Community Solar subscription and receive energy credits on your bill. Citywide Street Lighting To report an existing streetlight outage online, visit the Center or call weekdays 7 a. Information about street lighting options.
Division of Power Customer Outage Map The Division of Power has created an outage map to improve our communication with customers in the event of a power outage.
Useful information provided on the map includes our service territory boundaries, the location and cause of the power outage, the number of customers affected and the estimated service restoration time. Powering a Greener Columbus Through our Green Power Initiative, we offer customers convenient programs to reduce their energy consumption and support renewable energy.
Green Energy Options - learn more. Seniors age 60 and older with limited income may qualify for additional programs. Columbus Southern Power Co. The registered office is located in :.
You are moving and wish to activate your account with Columbus Southern Power Co. Call Columbus Southern Power Co. AEP by dialing and give :. Do you have a question related to a commercial issue?