John casablanca chicago
Dana Alfano. Mother of Gabrianna Alfano. My daughter Jasmine had been bugging my wife Jenny and I for over a year about a commercial on television. This commercial was asking the kids that were watching if they would like to be on their favorite television show or even be just like their favorite child actor and actress on television that they should have their parents call this phone number for an audition.
Well, after almost six months of Jasmine pleading with Jenny and me to make the call I finally broken down and took a chance. When it comes to your children you are always very protective so when I started to talk to the individual on the phone I was a little apprehensive, but within a very short time she was able to put some of my concerns at ease.
I always try to stay in touch with a lot of things that go on so when I found out that the acting and modeling classes were through John Casablancas I knew we were at least heading in a good direction.
We set up an appointment early the next week to sit down and meet with the education director Brigitte. Brigitte was very adamant that one of the stipulations of JC School was that all of their students must have an above average grade in the school and that if there was any signs that they were slipping in the education that JC classes would have to be reevaluated.
This was one thing that was very important for Jenny and I, that Jasmine still would continue to put schooling first and that JC also felt the same way.
Brigitte was very thorough and answered all of our questions that we had and was able to relieve even more uneasiness from Jenny and I. When we left that evening we had signed on for 20 weeks of acting and modeling classes through John Casablancas.
Over the next several months Jasmine would go once a week to classes on a Saturday under the guidance of her teacher Ms. Jasmine had a lot of fun in the classes not only in acting with the kids, but Jenny and I could see the change in Jasmine as she seemed to gain more confidence in herself.
Once again Jenny and I were leery about a competition involving the kids mostly because at that time Jasmine was only turning 7 years old at the end of December. After talking with Ms.
Christina and Carmela and even the rest of the parents, we decided to give Los Angeles a chance. Even though the trip was very expensive Jenny and I would not have changed our minds about going after we saw what transpired. Jasmine had a tremendous time competing in all of the events and what Jenny and I really liked was how extremely professional everything was run especially when are dealing with kids of this age.
Katrell and Ms. Butthead along with Carmela had an extreme amount of patience, not only with the kids, but also with the parents. I guess the teachers at JC knew what they were talking about when it came to Jasmine, especially Ms. Maggie, because at the end of the competitions, Jasmine came away with seven trophies, including Commercial Print of the Year and the winner for the Jeans Competition in her age group.
After the competition was over we realized then that John Casablancas had prepared these kids. When you go through this day and talk to all of these people and try to have your child impress everyone in the room with their talents you come away with a throbbing headache. You wonder how anything in this room could be accomplished! Because of all of these opportunities Jasmine now has a manager based out of Los Angeles looking for acting roles in movies, television and commercials.
In addition, Jasmine also has two agents based out of Chicago seeking out print work in the industry for her. Starting January , Jasmine will be representing American Girl on their website and possibly print catalogs for the next two years. Without John Casablancas, this opportunity would not have been possible for Jasmine. No matter what happens down the road, Jasmine will always have these wonderful memories of competing on stage and learning form a great group of teachers.
In December, we answered a television ad for an audition with John Casablancas, because my son Jacob said he wanted to be a comic actor. He began classes at JC-Chicago in January, It was a most fortunate thing for him to do, and set off a wonderful series of events.
Jacob loved his teachers at JC. The fact that JC provides frequent auditions gets kids comfortable with the audition process, and they receive that requisite training to make the auditions productive. Jacob and I spent 10 days in LA and met with 6 talent and management agencies. Everyone expressed an interest in signing him. One of the agencies recommended Jacob to a casting director for a new show on Disney, and Jacob auditioned for the role on our last day in LA.
We left LA with an agent. This was far beyond our wildest expectations. Since then Jacob has booked a part in a play at Provision Theater. I wanted to take some time to write you a letter to tell you how wonderful our experience has been with JC. My son, Elijah K.
Since then he has had multiple opportunities that have resulted in wonderful, lifetime memories and experiences. As well, he will be able to use the skills he is taught and learns plus his experiences wherever his life may take him.
Elijah has taken many classes with many teachers in his time so far at JC. Elijah has, of course, learned the techniques of acting and modeling. We have had some fantastic experiences so far in our JC adventure. That was so much fun and for certain something that we will both remember for a very long time.
Elijah has been able to audition for a multitude of casting agents via auditions as well as attend Actors Workshops set up by JC. The one thing I love about John Casablancas is coming to class every week and learning new things. I love the staff at John Casablancas they have helped me so much.
The class I am in now has helped me become confident and speak up when performing. I love taking classes at John Casablancas. The staff is always so nice and are always giving advice. For the past year, I have learned so much about modeling and acting. The classes have really helped me to open up and try my hardest to be what I would like to be when I grow up.
I am planning to take additional classes at John Casablancas and become a professional Actor. The Johjn Casablancas teachers are very nice! I'm doing monologues and commericals but before I was so shy, now I am so much better at acting. I love my Acting Class! John Casablancas taught me how to be more confident and it taught me how to act much better and express my feelings more.
S- Ms. Maggie is the best Acting Coach Ever! First I was shy, and Now I'm excited to go to this place. I cant wait to see what happens next! John Casablancas has been the best experience I've had in a long time. I am so confident when I am acting. Meeting agents and casting directors every month have opened the doors for me in every way. Without John Casablancas I would not have my two agents that I have now.
I now am a working actor. Its so great here! John Casablancas has given me more confidence in public speaking. I love it here! The people are really nice and its cool to be here. I think John Casablancas Center and the staff have helped me improve on my acting skills. I really enjoyed the class- it has prepared me to get a callback. John Casablancas has helped me by getting confident. I feel much better speaking in front of people.
I have made many friends. I feel like making friends now is so much easier. Being at John Casablancas I've learned to be more confident when speaking and be myself. The program really helped me with facial expressions, and slowing down when auditioning.
It was alot of fun. I didnt get any callbacks yet, but it helped me build up my resume. I'm glad I took out every saturday morning to do this, it was worth it! I am a more confident person. I have learned to be more energetic. I really enjoyed Ms. Kiea's class. The people here are really nice, and I wish the classes were longer!
I was at John Casablancas a while back, and just today my dad told me about an audition there today but unfortunately I didn't attend. Instead I looked and explored the website remembering the good times and how much I missed going there every Saturday. When I did auditions and acting sessions at John Casablancas were the most amazing experience. I loved my teacher Ms. Maggie, she and the rest of the class were the best!
I was taught valuable things not just in my acting career, that I just wanted to learn not just for auditions but for the sake of knowing! Overall, it's a memorable experience that really makes you go: "Woah! I am so grateful that my mom called and signed me up. I just went looking for a new experience following my dream to become and actor;so I gave it a shot and things starting to happen.
Now I have a Manager and Agents, it's totally surreal to me. John Casablancas was Great! Really the best time ever! I looked forward to every Tuesday. Maggie you Rock! It gave me so much inspiration and confidence! Not even kidding I love John Casablancas!! I loved my experience at John Casablancas. It was one of the best experiences ive been in! All the staff is so nice and friendly. I learned to grow as a person and an actress.
I grew out of my shyness and embarassment. I also met friends that I will have for a life time. I love my coach Ms. While I was at John Casablancas I liked coming to class to learn. I got along with everyone right away. All the staff members were really friendly and were always available to answer my questions.
The teachers were fun and helped me learn about the acting indusrty. Im really glad I went to John Casablancas. Being part of the John Casablancas family has been such a great experience for me. I've made friends here that I hope to keep forever. I will be extremely sad to leave, but anxious to apply my learned skills in the real dramatic world.
John Casablancas is one place that you will never get bored. The staff is very respectfull and always asking how you are doing. I like that because it shows that the staff cares alot about you. Also the teachers always try to help you to be the best of the best. The program at John Casablancas helped me a bunch! My experience here at John Casablancas has been wonderful.
Since the begining my talents have expanded greatly. The coaches here have been so nice and created such a comfortable atmosphere for me here. I am so thankful for the opportunities John Casablancas has given me. It taught me so much about the industry and I feel more confident. I loved my teach, Ms. She was sooo fun and made my experience enjoyable and educational. She taught me to strenghen my skills in speaking. I really felt a grasp of what its like to be in the indusrty.
I loved my coach Ms. John Casablancas taught me alot! Hi, my name is Selma. My experience with John Casablancas has been amazing! I just finished a photo shoot and I'm so grateful that I chose John Casablancas. I love all the photographers and cast members that have helped me become someone different that someone like Selma. I really recommend this opportunity.
Follow your dream you always wished for because it will become true one day! It did for me and it can for you! I was very impressed with my visit to John Casablanca's Chicago office.
The staff really understands what it takes to prepare young talent to audition in front of industry guests. The kids I met with seemed to be having a blast and that's one of the most important things when it comes to child actors. I have learned that acting is hard work and you need to work hard on it.
I love acting and I'm glad I joined the acting class at John Casablancas. I like going to auditions here and I know I do good because John Casablancas teaches me great things. I love going to class here! I love having Ms. Abby as my coach she is fun and great at what she does. The whole staff is awesome too. I have learned a lot from the classes I take it has made me more confident at acting and speaking in front of people. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.
I attended the John Casablanca Chicago school, scouting for new talent and had an excellent experience. The staff, headed by Carmela Lucarelli, was organized, friendly, and really cared about their students. The talent that I saw was very well-prepared and I e-mailed the school a list of my callbacks. Most of the callback students have already contacted me, which shows that the school is on top of things.
Overall, I had a great trip and look forward to seeing the school again in the future. I've made lots of friends here and its very fun. You learn alot and you get to audition every month. I've gotten so much better at my monologues because of my teachers. John Casablancas is an awesome place to learn.
All the kids are super energetic, very nice, and encourging. The coaches all know what we are going through when auditioning and are always there for you for whatever you need. I recommend John Casablancas to anyone! John Casablancas is such a learning experience!
I learned so much about myself and how I can improve my acting skills, Now I know the best way to present myself in the best way! I really enjoy coming to John Casablancas because my coach Kiea is so nice and funny. I have learned so many things here that have helped me become a better actress. I also love going to the auditions and meeting new people. The John Casablancas staff are nice and help me when I need it.
What I like about John Casablancas is the monologues you learn and the auditions and all the agents I have met. John Casablancas is a great place to take classes and audition. You also get to meet tons of fun kids! Its a really good opportunity to be involved in John Casablancas. In the classes you really learn so much about the industry and how to act. Our coach Ms. Kara is really great and helpful. I just love John Casablancas! I have met so many agents and casting directors through John Casablancas.
The Agents that come here are from LA and they are so nice! They really come out here looking to sign students in there agency. I am so happy to be a part of this great program. Good advice from the instructor and instruction on my monologue and I definitely feel more prepared now. Our teacher is nice, fun, goofy. She knows how to have fun and I like the exercises they help us calm down and focus on whats going on.
I felt it was a great class. It was really fun and I learned alot. Love to learn at John Casablancas. I really enjoy the John Casablancas center so much!
I have had the chance to meet agents and casting directors through this program. Meeting these agents from LA have really opened up a ton of doors for me.
There is no way to meet these agents on your own. I am so happy to have become a part of this great John Casablancas center! It is so cool doing this John Casablancas program. I always love to jump in front of the camera and do what I have to do.
I am so into this. And im calling my friends to do it, and so far one might do it too! My classes at John Casablancas have made me come out of my shell, im so much more confident and out going.
Im not so quiet anymore, and I love my new attitude! John Casablancas has helped me become a better actress and do better in my acting. I love John Casablancas! The people are nice and they really help you. I love the fact that you can really feel comfortable with everyone at John Casablancas.
Also, I have learned so much more that what I used to know and acting has always been my dream job. So, being at John Casablancas gives me a chance to do my dream. My experience at John Casablancas has strengthened my modeling and acting skills profoundly. My confidence has skyrocketed ever since I began the program and is still shining. The life long skills that I learn here will help me with my career and my future.
John Casablancas is great in so many ways, we have so many opportunties here. We learn so much that it can help us throughout our careers. We also have a lot of fun with the teachers they are great and they help us the best they can. It is a great experience. The teachers and the other staff members are so nice and helpful to the students. I love John Casablancas.
I love learning about acting. When I have auditions ,my coach helps me prepare for it so I can get a job as an actress. When I get rejected by agents my coaches help me get right back up and feel so much better. I love my coaches. I have made so many friends! I have a blast here at John Casablancas. The extraordinary experience with the John Casablancas center is amazing.
The staff is wonderful, I feel so awesome with my class. I really think this has paid off for me. I took a big step that will help me with what I want to do.
John Casablancas center is Rockin Awesome! Trust me. I really enjoyed the John Casablancas program. Only contact profiles if you are interested in hiring them for their services. Do not contact profiles to solicit your services or products, or to inquire about job openings. Looking for work? Create a profile to list yourself or your company on ProductionHUB and be found by those actively searching for freelancers, crew, vendors, equipment or facilities for their projects.
Sign In Join. They were a breath of fresh air for us, especially knowing that someone cares enough to do their very best! Those of us industry professionals REALLY do appreciate all the hard work that it takes to groom a new talent into a viable sellable commodity for the various facets of Sho-Business.
Looking forward to seeing more of these young people here and on the screen! It was a pleasure working with the John Casablancas staff this past weekend. Thank you for allowing our kids to explore different careers within the fashion industry. Our students are still talking about the fabulous runway studio, and how much fun it was. I'd reccomend this company to anyone who's serious about getting in this buisness, they are experts!
That is the word to describe John Casablancas-Chicago. We are continually amazed with the professionalism of all of the John Casablancas actors. We have seen the John Casablancas actors at scouting weekends in Chicago, always totally prepared, always totally professional. We are impressed with their training. We have already discovered one young actor, Jonah Crosby.
Jonah booked his first Los Angeles audition as an M. This truly goes to show how tremendous the training is at John Casablancas. Carmela, Director of Education at John Casablancas, truly cares about her actors. One great school. One great director. I can honestly say that every actor I met at John Casablancas Chicago was outstanding. I could see that the John Casablancas classes had turned these actors into polished, confident and talented actors who have very bright futures in the entertainment industry and in life in general.
Thank you to Carmela Lucarelli for her amazing organizational skills and for introducing us to this wonderful group of actors. I look forward to casting more of your students. Chicago's John Casablancas school has some great young developing talent. Many have a Chicago feel which is often appreciated when casting is specifically looking for that authentic essence in a role. Some just outright have the potential of the "It Factor".
John Casablancas brings a large group of talent together to make my job of scouting talent much easier! John Casablancas Chicago is an excellent resource for parents who find themselves with a talented child! If you and your child need guidance and creative direction for a career in the Arts -- or if you just want to polish your child and get them ready for the world, John Casablancas Chicago is a great place to be affiliated with!
We used five models for a couture bridal fashion show and could not have been more impressed! The models were polite, professional, energetic and gracious. Each model was in different stages with her training and experience, but they carried our designer gowns flawlessly. Maria and Lisa assisted me in cooridinating the perfect blend of models and were an absolute joy to work with. We look forward to pairing with John Casablancas again for future events Thank you for everything!
As always the talent I saw last week in at the John Casablanca Chicago location was exceptional! Their students were well prepared and focused. Hats off to their instructors for providing top notch training. I look forward to seeing my call backs in Los Angeles. Most importanly I would like to thank the staff for giving me the opportunity to visit their school and look forward to returning! Kelly and I had a very enjoyable and successful day at the John Casablancas in Chicago.
Your students were prepared, looked darling, and for the most part had age appropriate pictures. Please thank your hard working staff for us! Production team. Our jobs producing our signature 'Fashion On The Square' event were made markedly improved by the diligent, tireless efforts of Dalena and her team.
From advertising and hosting a local model call at their San Jose offices to serving as liaison with selected models and their families, they never hesitated to aid in any capacity. They are truly an invaluable resource. We look forward to continuing our partnership through model training and performance opportunities throughout the year.
I have been an instructor for John Casablancas in Detroit for many years. I truly believe in the methodology of the instruction.
Each students walks away with confidence and beauty, inside and out. The classes allow the students to eching our students turn to explore their talents and improve themselves to a level of professionalism. They gain a better understanding of the industry and helps them to decide which career path is best for them. It is wonderful and rewarding to watch our students turn into a proud 'professional' and to be excited about the work, the lessons and their future.
Each one of my students become an instant "STAR" in my eyes! I am their biggest fan! Join us, be a part of something special and be a part of a growing industry in Michigan! I had the pleasure of attending a John Casablancas Chicago showcase this past weekend. I must say that I was more than impressed with the students training and professionalism. Carmela and the rest of the staff are incredibly passionate about their students and are a pleasure to work with.
We are looking forward to coming back soon to meet new talent!! I couldn't believe how many great kids we saw. They have a great eye and run a tight ship. Which we appreciate. I can't wait to go back to find my new stars!