Knights of columbus folsom
Posted in Announcements Pro-Life. Posted in Past Events. John Mc March 3, Leave a comment. John Mc February 24, Posted in Past Events Pro-Life. Posted in Uncategorized. John Mc January 22, John Mc December 8, Council hosted the Pancake Breakfast with St. Congratulations to our Knights in Manassas, Va. Read about the dedication here.
At the dedication, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said that the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative is the greatest humanitarian effort the organization has ever undertaken. As hundreds of thousands gather in Washington, D. Click here to donate. Online Membership is allowing us to reach younger men where they are: on their cell phones, tablets, and computers. Statewide, over men have joined the Order online so far this Columbian Year.
Now we have a tool to utilize that will automatically invite a Prospect to join Online and send him weekly messages about the Knights of Columbus. Each Council can request a Lead Generation Program for use at special events, conferences, and in-person prospecting opportunities.
Think of it as a Digital Prospect Card that will automatically send a weekly informational email to men who sign up! In days, the council receives a custom URL, available on any device, and the Lead Generation Program is ready to use.
You will need to use your laptop, pad, or Smart Phone to allow Prospects to sign up. Once form is filled out, a prospect immediately receives a customized email from Council with link to join the Knights of Columbus online:. The prospect is also enrolled in a nurture drip-email campaign, and will receive additional information weekly.
Give your Council a Christmas present: bring in a new Brother! Please forward this message to any Brother Knight who may choose to use it to help build your Council. Please Review Elections in Sec on page 54 of the Rules of the order that state your elections must happen in the last two weeks of May or the first two weeks of June each year. If your Bylaws say something else then you need to change them they can not conflict with the Supreme rules of the Order.
Election SEC. Provided, however, that elective officers of councils identified with colleges and universities may be elected at a regular business meeting held between the first day of March to and including the first day of June in each year after written notice is given to the members of the date selected. Volunteers and Special Guest worked to Distribute over warm winter coats to the children of this Mission.
Join the Knights of Columbus today: KofC. Council participation is simple. To learn more about this great program, visit kofc. To order coats for kids, click here. Or, should you like to find more details about the program, contact the Fraternal Mission Department at or. Although we are often reluctant to do so, every council should publicize its charitable works and activities whenever possible. Your parishioners should clearly see the Knights of Columbus are alive and active in your parish and community.
Following are ideas to increase the visibility of your council and demonstrate our commitment in the parishes we serve:. All of these should serve to increase Knights of Columbus visibility in your parish and community. Another method to make your council visible is to share your Council's Story. Check out this issue of Knightline for publicity details.
Recorded Live - After the Live Presentation Available anytime for replay Knights of Columbus councils, since the time of our Order's founding, have actively responded to the most pressing issues facing people in our parishes and communities.
Register, attend as an individual or as a council group! Click on this link to register. The Substance Abuse Poster Contest can begin as soon as early September, but participation packets need to be ordered by Oct. Here are some items you may need:. I pray you and your loved ones are well. Bishop Soto tasked us on creating a retreat for men to be part of the diocesan celebrations of the year of St. We are planning a retreat on October 16 at St.
Philomene Church in Sacramento. Bishop Soto will be joining on video live for the event and we will have speakers. I would like to invite the Northern California Knights to participate. As well as see if you are interested in having a free table with resources for men to visit during the day. Lastly to see if you could help us spread the word.
We have been putting it out there on our diocesan channels since June. Here is a flyer updating our list of seminarians for the Sacramento Diocese. Let us show them how the Knights will support them from now on in their extremely valuable vocation.
McGivney Guild AM. Website Contact Information If you have events in the Chapter and State areas, please submit the information to Chapter President's Letter Hello Worthy Chapter Brothers, Fall is a busy time of year as we work hard on all the important and various programs during this time of the year. Please review the flyers below for more information. Listen to our community when we sing, Lord I Need you may these words inspire you as they do me. Humbly submitted. Box Gustine, CA or call the State office at or email We have asked for and received from Supreme Council Funding, Food and Safety masks, work gloves and first-aid kit that can be sent out in part or all as the need may be.
Fraternally, Rene Trevino State Advocate Coronavirus Restrictions My Brothers, Chapter President Michael Jones is requesting all Council Officers to sign up for this special webinar on using digital tools for meetings, voting and staying in touch with your members.
God Bless and stay safe. The 3 Essay programs have been gaining strength for the last 3 years. God Bless. Be Bold! Eligibility The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is "open to all" boys and girls, ages 9 to 14, in your community. Age Specifications Ages 9, 10, 11 both boys and girls Use a woman's size regulation basketball and shoot from a 12 foot foul line to a 10 foot basket.
Competition Levels and Scoring Council level - Three warm up shoots and 15 free throw attempts to determine highest score by age group, boys and girls, to determine the winner. We are listening and making improvements.
Financial Beacon Life-Changing Events Check out this document for long-term care, life insurance and final instructions advice.
Wheelchair Initiative Plan some funds in your council to support our Wheelchair Initiative. Vivat Jesus. Quick Tips from Fraternal Thank you for all the work you do every day to help Catholic men become better husbands, fathers, sons and neighbors. The email to use for these requests is 3.
Timothy L. Fraternally, Carl A. Reach Prospects Electronically! Worthy Brothers, Online Membership is allowing us to reach younger men where they are: on their cell phones, tablets, and computers.
When you use the link above, you will see this simple page: Once your Council receives its Lead Generation Program, the page that a Prospect will complete asks only for First Name, Last Name, and Email.
Once form is filled out, a prospect immediately receives a customized email from Council with link to join the Knights of Columbus online: The prospect is also enrolled in a nurture drip-email campaign, and will receive additional information weekly. Coats for Kids Click here for the Coats for Kids form. Following are ideas to increase the visibility of your council and demonstrate our commitment in the parishes we serve: Ask all Brother Knights to wear their name badges whenever they are at church.
Order council polo shirts, t-shirts, hats, vests, or jackets and encourage Brothers to wear them. Make use of your parish bulletin. Be sure to ask for a bulletin announcement on the weekend before an event, the weekend of the event, and even a thank you for participating the weekend after an event. If it was a fundraiser; show your results, where the money is going, and thank parishioners for their contributions. Use Knights of Columbus tablecloths, canopies and canopy back walls whenever you can.
Use them at your breakfasts, dinners, sign up tables, membership drives, food collection tables Food for Families , and at any event sponsored by the council. Always have flyers with a name, phone , and email of a person to contact in church entryways and reception areas around your parish. Include, contact cards, photo displays of Knights in action andColumbia magazines in church offices and waiting areas.
Show your parish that your council helps to deepen the Faith of the men who are involved. In addition, focus on sponsoring family activities such as parish dinners even pot luck dinners , family movie nights, family camping trips, talent shows, etc. Sponsoring family events is a great way to involve growing families in the parish with young fathers in Knights of Columbus activities.
Booklets are available in English or in Spanish. Order using this web page: knightsgear. Packets for this program are no longer available through Supreme. John the Baptist Catholic Parish and the surrounding Folsom community. We participate in various charitable activities throughout the area and at the parish. If you are a Catholic man in good standing with the Church and interested in joining our council click here.
John The Baptist Parish St. We are aided in accomplishing this by adhering to the principles of our Order: Charity: as followers of Christ, we seek to care for those in need and demonstrate the love that Christ showed us.