Chris grantham denver

Franco state. Trent state. Young state. Kalafus state. Dam Safety. McCormick state. Franz state. Kirch state. Sares state. Donegan state. Flor state. Lennon state. Hydrography Satellite Monitoring. Hardesty state. Grantham state. DePue state.

Johnson state. McKinney state. Curry state. Tabuyo state. Gutierrez state. Grimes state. Stenzel state. Nelsen state.

Brown state. Keener state. Rodgers state. Ellis state. Thompson state. Hydebo state. Water Supply - Chiefs. VanderHorst state. Deatherage state. Water Supply - Division 1 S. Platte: Inside Denver Basin. Williams state. Comaniciu state. Thyne state. Dickinson state. Gonzales state. Platte: Outside Denver Basin. Brucker state. Nielsen state. He has assisted clients and debtors in buying and selling companies out of Chapter 11, as well as reorganizing or liquidating debtor companies. He has represented purchasers of oil and gas assets in Chapter 11 Section auctions in bankruptcy proceeding in Wyoming, Colorado, and Delaware.

Many of his transactions have been in connection with leveraged buyouts and buildups of platform or portfolio companies. In addition, he has substantial experience in transactions involving oil and gas and coal companies in both the context of purchase and sale transactions as well as in day-to-day operational matters.

Richardson and his team of DGS lawyers recently completed the sale of an oil and gas refinery for a long-time client of the firm. He also has significant financing experience and has recently represented venture capital groups, institutional lenders, and equity participants in loan and restructuring matters. Richardson has represented Western coal producers in various aspects of their operations. Additionally, Mr. Huber, SM Energy, and Suncor. Richardson has lectured on acquisition agreements, deal structures, and debtor-creditor issues, including the impact of bankruptcy on environmental laws, lessor-lessee relationships in bankruptcy, mid-stream agreements as executory contracts in bankruptcy, current developments in bankruptcy laws, and asset sales in a bankruptcy.

He has recently spoken on the following topics:.


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