Christopher jaeger nashville
To get a better understanding of how Jaeger's company works and why they picked Chicago anyway, I gave him a call. Since you're new to Chicago, can you give our readers your elevator pitch on your business? Christopher Jaeger: Sure. I can give you just a brief overview. So, rentstuff. So, we bring together the inventory of both businesses and individuals and allow them to more easily rent items in their community. Our first offering, which is live right now, is our peer-to-peer offering.
It allows individuals to rent and lend their own personal assets like sporting equipment, electronics, cameras, whatever it may be in their homes that others would want access to because it's more convenient or they don't have the space to store it or they don't have the money to buy it.
What we're working on now behind the scenes is a software offering for businesses to allow them to more easily manage their business inventory as well as plug into our marketplace and also make their websites available for reservationing, like to show their inventory.
The renting industry is something that's very antiquated and not quite as caught up with the rest of commerce as a lot of sites out there. Can you talk a bit about why you chose Chicago? In addition to the whole Pando Daily controversy , Illinois was just named the third worst state in the country for businesses. Christopher Jaeger: We started in Nashville and we were in an accelerator, but Nashville was a very small city.
Our business model thrives on population density, so we need people in close quarters. We went through this accelerator, we went through an open-work environment, like a collaborative work environment and we liked that aspect of how we were working too, working amongst other startups.
So both of those components were available to us here in Chicago. Chicago is the perfect marketplace for us just to take our service to the next level because it's the third largest city. The population density is 15 times what it is in Nashville and allows us to test this product in a major market. This is where collaborative-consumption movements, the industry that we're working in -- these are the sort of places where they take off.
Princeton Junction, New Jersey. Bowling Green, Kentucky. Lakewood, New Jersey. Data sources include publicly available information and information collected from various sources. You can write to us at optout leadcandy. Toggle Navigation. Sign up Login. Get Christopher's Email it's Free Takes 5 seconds to join, no credit card required. Christopher's Email xxxx xxx. Example: Christopher Jaeger , Elon Musk. Trusted by professionals from world's fastest growing organizations.
Search for people, get full profile information with verified email address and mutual contacts Turn cold outreach into warm introductions by reaching out to people through your network relationships - across various professional and social networks. We have had great success, and are continuing to see success from the purchase of LeadCandy. Our site is a great way for people to earn extra money renting out items they already own, or to save money by renting instead of buying.
We are working on new tools to better meet the demands of professional businesses with large inventories and more complex needs. Christopher : We are an online marketplace that connects renters to lenders. When you complete an actual rental, RentStuff. FinSMEs: Could you tell us a bit more about the features that differentiate your service from competitors?
Christopher : RentStuff is different because it looks to connect both businesses and individuals on one marketplace. Additionally, RentStuff.
We encourage communication via our messaging system so you can interact directly with potential renters. FinSMEs: Could you introduce us to the other team members? Christopher : Sure. The RentStuff. Our fourth team member is Laura Boring, who is our community manager and head of marketing. FinSMEs: Why did you start thinking about raising funding? Christopher : We started thinking about fundraising after completing a Techstars affiliated accelerator program called the Jumpstart Foundry in Nashville, TN.
During the program, we spent fourteen weeks dissecting the business model, testing assumptions and creating our first product. The accelerator culminated in an investor demo day where we received very positive feedback. We started capital raising soon thereafter in order to have the working capital to build our platform from the MVP stage in the Nashville marketplace to a wider beta offering and beyond.
What did you do to reach this target?